The History of Hillside Public Schools

"When the Township of Hillside was carved out of Union Township on April 29, 1913, a Board of Education had to be formed to provide educational facilities, in accordance with state laws. Dr. J.J. Savitz, Union County's Superintendent of Schools, designated those members of the Union Board of Education who resided in the new township to form the nucleus of a new nine-member board. They were Robert K. Bloy Sr., Aaron B. Haviland, Edward Ullrich, John Leyser and Abram P. Morris.
He also named four additional men, including John Woodruff and Augustus T. Gray to represent the Saybrook area; Harry Doremus for Lyon's Farms, and Frank Baker, who was to be named the township's first mayor two weeks later, to represent the area on the West side known as West Lyon's Farms or Salem. All were approved in a special election on May 12, 1913." - Jean - Rae Turner, Along the Upper Road, the History of Hillside
Today, the Hillside Public Schools District consists of 7 schools which serve students from Pre-K through 12th Grade. These 7 schools are: Hillside High School, Hillside Innovation Academy, Walter O. Krumbiegel Middle School, Deanna G. Taylor Academy, Hurden Looker Elementary School, Ola Edwards Community School, and Abram P. Morris Early Childhood Development Center.